Past Presidents

New York State Association of Educational Secretaries

Name Term
Isabel Paddock 1953 - 1955
Crete A. Deming 1955 - 1956
Barbara Klumpp 1956 - 1957
Alice Lofblad 1957 - 1959
Eleanor Tellier 1959 - 1960
Rosemary Jones 1960 - 1962
Gladys McNulty 1962 - 1964
Hilda Davidson 1964 - 1966
Robbie Lou Ashworth 1966 - 1968
Prudence Wehner 1968 - 1970
Eleanor Carter 1970 - 1972
Clarice Vredenburg 1972 - 1974
Virginia Burrow 1974 - 1976
Lucretia Creasey 1976 - 1978
Clara Fuller 1978 - 1980
Violet Phillips 1980 - 1982
Marilyn Hansen Cicero 1982 - 1984
Terese Weber 1984 - 1986
Mary Bowen 1986 - 1988
Lois Rich 1988 - 1990
Judith Gagnier, CEOE 1990 - 1992

New York State Association of Educational Office Professionals

Name Term
Marilyn Martin 1992 - 1994
Joyce Clintsman, CEOE 1994 - 1996
Cynthia L. Marx, CEOE 1996 - 1998
Mary Kucharek 1998 - 2000
Connie Jackson 2000 - 2002
Margaret Weidmann, CEOE 2002 - 2004
Diane Wright, CEOE 2004 - 2006
Beverly O'Brian, CEOE 2006 - 2008
Wendy Heslink, CEOE 2008 - 2010
Cathy Eberle 2010 - 2012
Colleen Clarke, CEOE 2012 - 2014
Doreen Berrios-Castillo 2014 - 2016
Deborah McNally

2016 - 2018

Brenda Brickle 2018-2020
Sadie Blauvelt


Lynn Coughlin, CEOE 2022-2024


Our Mission

 NYSAEOP, the only state-wide,   non-union organization dedicated   to continued professional growth   for educational office   professionals in preparing     members to meet the challenges   of a changing world.


 The Association shall   promote and support:

  • Life-long Learning
  • Leadership
  • Team Networking
  • Educational Resources

Want to Become a Member? 

If you would like to join NYSAEOP, please fill out and submit our membership form.


Working toward your PSP?

As a member, we offer individual guidance in obtaining your PSP.

Affiliated with

 Crystal M. Kipa, CEOE, 

  NYSAEOP President
  Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda      School District

  Ariana Sylvester, 

  NYSAEOP Webmaster

  Spencerport Central School          District                                  



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