2024 NYSAEOP Award Recipients

2023 NYSAEOP Office Professional of the Year

No applications were received this year for the NYSAEOP Office Professional of the Year. Please consider nominating a NYSAEOP member who is worthy of this recognition in 2024.

2023 NYSAEOP Administrator of the Year








New York State Association of Educational Office Professionals awarded Mr. Jason VanFossen from Maine-Endwell Central School District as the Administrator of the Year. Jason VanFossen is a hands on, visible administrator. He visits each building often so students and staff know who he is and can feel his presence throughout the school year. He sends out a weekly message to all staff, giving accolades to those who have excelled or accomplished something throughout the year. These accolades include students, teachers, administrators, SRO’s and support staff. He believes in the Professional Learning Community, PLC. This means everyone has a stake and shares in the education  and enviroment of our school district, where all students can reach their fullest potential.


When improvements are needed, Jason comes to each building and presents what the district is looking at. We are able to have discussions and  give suggestions. The Board of Education sends out polls and surveys to the entire school community to gather information to come to the best decision for our students and district. I believe being open like this helps keep our district as one of the top districts in our area.


Jason VanFossen uses Thrillshare, robo calls and our newletter to communicate with staff, parents and the community. Thrillshare has been a great addition as he sends out important information that we all need to know about at the time, school closures, parent/teacher conferences, holidays , etc.


To name a few of Jason's community involements: he has been a coach for his boys baseball teams, an active member of his church, a member of Rotary and The Binghamton University Foundation.


Jason VanFossen and the Maine-Endwell CSD have supported me in my journey with NYSAEOP. First by giving me the time to perform my duties as a officer in the association. Secondly, Maine-Endwell sponsored one of our NYSAEOP annual conferences. As a sponsor, Jason came and welcomed everyone to the conference and gave a wonderful talk about personality types and how they affect us as we deal with others. He also let our School Resource Officer come and do a workshop on school safety and I was also able to present a workshop also. I am truly proud to be a member of the Maine-Endwell School Community and Jason is a wonderful administrator who makes it all happen.


Lynn Coughlin, NYSAEOP President

Our Mission

 NYSAEOP, the only state-wide,   non-union organization dedicated   to continued professional growth   for educational office   professionals in preparing     members to meet the challenges   of a changing world.


 The Association shall   promote and support:

  • Life-long Learning
  • Leadership
  • Team Networking
  • Educational Resources

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As a member, we offer individual guidance in obtaining your PSP.

Affiliated with

 Crystal M. Kipa, CEOE, 

  NYSAEOP President
  Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda      School District

  Ariana Sylvester, 

  NYSAEOP Webmaster

  Spencerport Central School          District                                            ariana.cuadrado@gmail.com



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