
Check back here regularly to find out

what's going on at NYSAEOP.

2024 Award Applications for Administrator and Office Professional of the Year are now available on the Forms Page. Please consider nominating a worthy individual for either or both of these awards.

Deadline for all awards applications is JULY 15th

  The June 2024 Empire News can now be found in   the Members Only Section.

The 72nd Annual NYSAEOP Conference is taking place on October 20-22, 2024 in Niagara Falls, New York

at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel.

Registration information is now available! 

2024 NYSAEOP Conference Brochure
2024 NYSAEOP Conference Brochure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [14.0 MB]

 For those members working towards Professional   Standards Program goals, NAEOP had added some   helpful Excel worksheets to aid in record keeping of your   accomplishments. You can find the worksheets here: 

 Look for the "PSP Application Worksheets" button.

90th Annual NAEOP Conference Brochure is now available. The conference will be held in Little Rock, AR July 14 - 17, 2024

2024 National Association of Educational Office Professionals Conference
2024 NAEOP Conference Brochure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.3 MB]

Our Mission

 NYSAEOP, the only state-wide,   non-union organization dedicated   to continued professional growth   for educational office   professionals in preparing     members to meet the challenges   of a changing world.


 The Association shall   promote and support:

  • Life-long Learning
  • Leadership
  • Team Networking
  • Educational Resources

Want to Become a Member? 

If you would like to join NYSAEOP, please fill out and submit our membership form.


Working toward your PSP?

As a member, we offer individual guidance in obtaining your PSP.

Affiliated with


Lynn Coughlin,

Maine Endwell CSD


Kathie Jarvis, CEOE, Webmaster

Sweet Home Central School District
(716) 250-1445


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© 2000-2021 NYSAEOP