A Message from President Kipa

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as the NYSAEOP President. My name is Crystal M. Kipa and I began my involvement with NYSAEOP by joining four years ago as the NYSAEOP Webmaster and then followed by Vice-President.


On behalf of the Executive Board, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our members, friends of NYSAEOP, and community supporters, whose dedication and generosity have enabled our organization to thrive. Your contributions continue to empower our initiatives, support conferences, and enhance our educational outreach efforts. Together, we look forward to an exciting future, honoring the legacy of past leadership and forging new paths for the years to come.


When I joined NYSAEOP in 2020, I found it provided not only great networking and educational opportunities, but also great new friendships throughout the organization.  Spending time with NYSAEOP Board along with National Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP) folks provided me with a greater appreciation for what our organization offers.


In the upcoming months, the Executive Board’s and my priorities will be to (1) engage our members to become even more involved with NYSAEOP both on the state and National levels (2) help our members to grow professionally, whether that’s by improving your skill sets for your current job through the tools provided by NYSAEOP or by advancing your career through NYSAEOP network, and (3) continue to provide you with solutions and opportunities through NYSAEOP resources that will help you pursue greatness in your educational industry as well as in your community.


If you have an idea, suggestion, comment, improvement, or criticism, please contact me, or any of our offices, and convey your thoughts.  If you want to make a difference, reach out to the Chair of the Committee or myself and let them know you want to get more involved.


I am honored to serve as the President of NYSAEOP for the 2024-2026 year.  I’m looking forward to a fantastic new year, and I am grateful for your partnership and dedication to our organization to make it all possible!


Very Respectfully,


Crystal M. Kipa, CEOE
NYSAEOP President,  2024-2026


Our Mission

 NYSAEOP, the only state-wide,   non-union organization dedicated   to continued professional growth   for educational office   professionals in preparing     members to meet the challenges   of a changing world.


 The Association shall   promote and support:

  • Life-long Learning
  • Leadership
  • Team Networking
  • Educational Resources

Want to Become a Member? 

If you would like to join NYSAEOP, please fill out and submit our membership form.


Working toward your PSP?

As a member, we offer individual guidance in obtaining your PSP.

Affiliated with

 Crystal M. Kipa, CEOE, 

  NYSAEOP President
  Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda      School District

  Ariana Sylvester, 

  NYSAEOP Webmaster

  Spencerport Central School          District                                            ariana.cuadrado@gmail.com



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